Can I submit coupons online on Webpicked?
Unfortunately, at this point we are not accepting coupon submissions.
Who can use these coupons?
Anyone, individual or business group, can use the codes and offers to avail themselves discounts during purchases on the respective stores.
How much is the discount?
The amount of discount you’ll receive depends on the item you are purchasing, the store, and the offer you use. Some discount offers (mostly with limited time periods) range as high as 90% of the cost price!
How will I find out how much discount I shall get?
Alongside every coupon and promo banners, we mention clearly the discounts you will get. Sometimes it is based as certain percentage (%) of the total cost. Sometimes there are reduced flat rates. However, both options are much cheaper than what the stores will directly offer on their websites.
Why should I use the codes and offers from Webpicked?
To save money. For instance, if you directly buy or renew products from GoDaddy.com without coupon codes or special offers, you will be paying the full price. Using our coupon codes and offers, you can buy the same product at cheaper rates and save a lot of money. Same goes for all the other stores in our collection. Webpicked was created to help people save money online.
How do I use the codes and offers?
Simply press the “click here to redeem” button to be taken to the respective store, where the discount offer will be applied automatically to your cart. In case of coupon codes, pressing the button will generate a flash pop up with the code. Copy the code and click ‘visit store’. Now, simply paste the code on the store’s payment page and avail yourself the discount.
I also have coupons to share. Can I publish them?
At this time, coupon submission is closed. All submitted coupons and offers are reviewed by our team before being published. Some coupons cannot be published because they might directly compete with already published coupon codes. We do not charge users for publishing their coupons.